Mystical messages, parallel worlds, and a dream ahead.

In a realm where you are a fairytale hero, you escape from your book to embark on a self-discovery quest to write your own story. But as you step out of your book, relentless chasers threaten your dream and freedom. You must solve challenges in parallel stories to collect clues that guide your way. A fatal message questions your entire journey. Can you write your own story before the end of the night, or will you be trapped in a life you don’t want?

Join the adventure to see if you can rewrite your own destiny.

Written by Dr Yuki



It began in San Francisco in 2006 and has been played in many cities around the world, including London in 2007-2009, and we're bringing it back on Saturday the 8th of June 2024! More on the origins of Journey here.

Contestants must dash around the city and complete challenges at five checkpoints while evading pursuit. You could think of it as sort of a massive game of tag with puzzles and elements of immersive theatre along the way. All players will begin as runners and upon being released at the start, you will find your way to the first checkpoint while evading capture by the game chasers. If caught, you will become initiated as a chaser and your new goal will be to catch as many of your former allies as possible. For further information on rule see below.

The course, which begins at Finsbury Park, will be approximately 10km and may take 2 to 4 hours to complete (accounting for interference). Oh and it's free!

Check-in will be from 4-4:30pm and the game will begin at 5pm. Do your best to be on time. Online pre-registration is required to play, click 'Sign Up' to register.

Your destiny awaits - enchantment and glory beckon to those who succeed!


Players Must

  • Travel by foot or by train only – absolutely no buses, cars, taxis, bikes, skateboards, rocket packs, etc.
  • Do the checkpoints in order.
  • After arriving at the checkpoint and finding the checkpoint agents, you must follow all of their rules and instructions, or risk disqualification as a runner.
  • If you arrive at a checkpoint after the checkpoint has closed, you may ask a stranger to sign your map.
  • Your ribbon must be worn visibly on the head at all times.
  • Hiding your ribbon is considered cheating, and is punishable by death.
  • Use common sense, do not chase players into the street during a red light, or otherwise create dangerous situations. Do not tackle those you catch to the ground.
  • If a chaser tags you, you must surrender your runner’s ribbon & put on your chaser’s ribbon. The chaser who tagged you remains a chaser.
  • Only one tag at a time: chasers cannot tag while exchanging the ribbon.
  • In case of medical emergency, call 999!

Safe Zones

  • Areas surrounding each checkpoint as designated on your map.
  • Sidewalks around given safezones are also safe.
  • Specific additions might be announced at the beginning of the game.


Checkpoint agents will be at the five checkpoints around the city, waiting to stamp players’ maps after they complete a challenge. At the start point, runners will receive a map of the checkpoints, and so the game begins. Awards, stories and possibly light refreshments will be presented at the finish line.


Your ultimate goal is to reach the finish with a complete set of stamps in your map, and without being caught by the chasers. If you are caught (tagged), remove your player ribbon and give it to the chaser who tagged you, then put on your chaser ribbon and begin catching other players. The person who caught you remains a chaser, but you will join their ranks.


The game is not over! Now your goal is to catch as many runners as you can before the end. How many player ribbons can you collect? The chaser who catches the most players and turns them into chaser will be awarded at the end.

On the Day

You will receive

A player ribbon

A course map

A chaser ribbon (to wear if caught)

You should wear

Comfy clothes/shoes for running

Your game face

Fairytale-related costume

You should bring


A camera (optional)

A charged smartphone or good sense sense of direction


Journey to the End of the Night was created in 2006 by Ian Kizu-Blair, Sean Mahan and Sam Lavigne in San Francisco, CA. Their goal was to design a game that put players in the middle of a cinematic chase scene through a city at night. They were inspired by bike messenger alleycat races, urban exploration, capture the flag, parkour, and, of course, tag. Since then it has been played nearly 100 times in over 25 cities around the world.

Check out the international site for all Journeys to learn more:



We organise Journey to the End of the Night because we are passionate about helping Londoners to get out of their comfort zones, explore the city, get creative and immerse themselves in imagination. We love doing it and spend several months preparing the game. It is important to us to be able to keep it free to players so that it is accessible to anyone.

That said, we do incur costs for the game materials, maps, ribbons, etc (typically a few hundred pounds) so if you're able to support us with a donation of £5 it really helps!


To secure your spot and be part of the game, please complete the registration form below:


The London edition of Journey to the End of the Night is run by enthusiastic semi-adults not affiliated with any organizations, companies or causes.

We aim to bring childlike playfulness and wonder to those who participate in Journey, through immersion in a new world in the midst of familiarity, along with strangers and friends.

Rachel Roberts

Lead Producer / Checkpoint Agent

Dr Yuki Carlsson

Lead Storyline Writer

Rishub Jain

Checkpoint Agent Lead

Amy Strike

Checkpoint Agent


Checkpoint Agent

Hannah Jones

Checkpoint Agent


Checkpoint Agent

Anna Chamberlain




Simon 'Cheese' Edwards

Checkpoint Agent Lead

Chris M. Dickson

Checkpoint Agent

Additional Team Members

Nina - Map Designer / Checkpoint Agent Lead

Julie - Lead Visual Artist / Checkpoint Agent

Anna Lekas Miller - Checkpoint Agent

Salem Rizk - Game Photographer

Nishan - Website Developer

Marzia - Checkpoint Agent

Xavier - Checkpoint Agent

Alex - Checkpoint Agent

Rugi - Checkpoint Agent

Zoe - Checkpoint Agent

Arno - Checkpoint Agent

Jo - Checkpoint Agent

Pedro - Chaser

Filip - Chaser

Dayna - Chaser



2024 © copyright London Journey